Q: What species can I enter in The NZ Fishing Competition.
A: Please check the current list of eligible species under Eligible Species in our Rules, Terms and Conditions as species may change from time to time. Trout are excluded as trout fishing competitions mist have approval from individual Fish & Game regions and some regions as at late 2022, would not grant approval for a competition that provides anglers the opportunity to catch and release (yes, we think that's strange too).
Q: Can I register after the fish has been caught and submit my entry?
A: Yes, but the fish must be photographed correctly on an official NZ Fishing Competition measure so you'll need to be fishing with someone who already has a measure approved for use in this competition.
Q: What are the rules for photographing the fish on the measure?
A: Please read our rules on measuring your fish carefully, paying particular attention to how the fish should be placed on the measure.
Q: What if my picture isn't clear enough to confirm the length?
A: The Fishing Competition admin team reserve the right to invalidate your entry if we can't confirm the fish length or species. All fish must be photographed to clearly show the whole fish on the measure. The photo must conform to the rules for photographing the fish on the measure.
Q: Can someone hold the fish on the measure while the photo is being taken.
A: Yes, provided the photo confirms the measurement precisely and it conforms to the rules for photographing the fish on the measure (see above).
Q: When the measurement falls in between two marks on the measure which one do I use?
A: Measurements are rounded back to the nearest 0.5cm mark on the measure. For example if your fish is just over 40cm but does not reach the 40.5cm mark then the length you are to record when you enter your catch will be 40.0cm.
Q: Do I have to renew my registration each year?
A: To enter a catch you must be registered for the current season. The NZ Fishing Competition season dates for the June 1st to May 31st annually.
Q: What is the official measure?
A: The NZ Fishing Competition official measures include any measure that has been formally approved for the NZ Fishing Competition by the NZ Fishing Competition organisers (see the current list of approved measures in our rules section).
Q: Can my children enter?
A: You must be 18 or older to register. This is due to the fact we have Export as a major sponsor of this competition and alcohol advertising is not permitted to <18yrs.
Q: What happens to my records if I don't renew my registration?
A: Species leaderboards are refreshed at the end of each season. Any catch that features in our 'Hall of Fame' leaderboards will remain in those leaderboards until it is beaten by a larger specimen.